TRANSFER TAXI WEF DAVOS 2025 | Transfer to/from Zurich Airport to Davos

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TRANSFER TAXI WEF DAVOS 2025 | Transfer to/from Zurich Airport to Davos: The annual World Economic Forum, or WEF, has convened in Davos, Switzerland since 1971. The forthcoming WEF event is scheduled for January 20-24, 2025, in Davos.

Who is Blacklux?

BLACKLUX, is the new and modern airport transfer service we offer. aims for the highest quality. Our customers can book in advance and online. individual transfers to/from train station/airport and group transfers by car. Luxury car, taxi, shuttle, minivan, helicopter, airplane, private jet, yacht or bus, etc. etc. You can also book a hotel transfer from your desired departure point to many other locations around the world. Our online booking service offers any type of vehicle. Allowing our professionals to make high-quality airport transfers, both economical and luxury. We offer quality services at competitive prices.


Limousines intended for professional use in Switzerland must first undergo customs inspection.

Unless exempted by the Swiss Federal Roads Authority, all vehicles used for professional passenger transportation are equipped with tachometers to record trip data Transfer to and from Zurich airport to Davos.

Chauffeurs must comply with “Drivers” Working Hours” (also known as “Hours of Service”)

Swiss police intermittently check drivers and vehicles to make sure these regulations are being observed. If they find a violation, both driver and guests may be required to discontinue their journey.

Every year, BLACKLUX.IT, BLACKLUXTRANSFER.COM ensures well in advance that all legal requirements (including obtaining all necessary permits from both the Swiss Federal Office for Roads and from customs) are met and that extensive insurance coverage is in place.

For your safety we recommend (especially as offers from foreign countries are concerned) that you at least apply to receive permits from the relevant sections of the Swiss government (Customs and Federal Roads Office).

We are prepared to assist with your transportation requirements to Davos. Renowned as Europe’s highest town situated at an altitude of 1560 meters above sea level. Our extensive services include round-the-clock chauffeured limousines, driver accommodations, and the opportunity to rent luxury SUVs for self-drive from prominent locations such as Davos, Zurich, and Geneva.

Davos, Switzerland, is the highest town in all of Europe.Image: World Economic Forum

Book Your TRANSFER TAXI WEF DAVOS 2025 | Transfer to/from Zurich Airport to Davos:

Why Choose EPIKDRIVES for WEF 2025?

Blacklux: Exclusive Chauffeured Limousine Service:

Transfer to and from Zurich airport to Davos WEF 2025 DAVOS: Experience the epitome of luxury with our 24/7 chauffeured limousine services. Our fleet, equipped with all-wheel-drive vehicles and winter tires, ensures a safe and comfortable journey through the picturesque Swiss Alps. 

Seamless Arrival with Complimentary Greeter Service:

Tailored Transfers:

Premium Fleet and Local Expertise:

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, delivers a special address on January 16.Image: World Economic Forum

Book Your Self-Drive Car for WEF :

Guaranteed Excellence in Self-Drive Rentals:

Partnering with local car rental companies, we offer high-class luxury SUV self-drive rentals. Our guarantee for specific car models and plate numbers ensures a seamless registration process with the WEF organization.

TRANSFER TAXI WEF DAVOS 2025 | Transfer to/from Zurich Airport to Davos: When booking a car service for the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland please know this :

During the WEF event in Davos, the area is divided into different security zones with varying levels of security. To access main hotels such as the Hotel Seehof or the AlpenGold Hotel, a special security badge is required. If participants require door-to-door service, they must obtain these badges directly from the WEF organization.

TRANSFER TAXI WEF DAVOS 2025 | Transfer to/from Zurich Airport to Davos wef DAVOS: Book Early – Limited Availability during WEF 2025!

Francis Kéré, Nile Rodgers and Michelle Yeoh were awarded the Crystal Awards 2024 on 15 January.Image: World Economic Forum

Given the high demand for our services during the WEF event, securing your reservation early is paramount.

Contact our specialist today:

Stephan, Travel Advisor

The Purpose of the World Economic Forum:

Davos event serves as a crucial platform for leaders to engage in discussions and influence global agendas, concentrating on enhancing the world’s overall condition. The World Economic Forum unites more than 2,200 members, spanning business, political, academic, and various societal leaders. The forum’s official mission is to “enhance the state of the world by involving leaders in shaping global, regional, and industry agendas.” Held at the Davos Conference Center, the town sees a significant security presence, including military, police, and private security firms, to safeguard attendees. Roads are either closed or converted into one-way streets, registration offices are established, and temporary structures are erected to welcome and protect heads of states, CEOs, influencers, diplomats, and other decision-makers from across the globe.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.Go to navigationGo to search

World Economic Forum
Logo of the World Economic Forum
TypeNon-profit organization
FounderKlaus Schwab
Headquarter Cologny
Area of ​​action World
President Klaus Schwab
Official languageEnglish
MottoEN ) Committed to improving the state of the world
IT ) Committed to improving the state of the world


The World Economic Forum (original name in English :the Davos Forum ) is a non-profit foundation based in Cologny , near Geneva , Switzerland . It is founded in 1971 on the initiative of the economist and academic Klaus Schwab . [1]

The foundation organizes every winter, in the ski town of Davos in Switzerland . a meeting between leading exponents of international politics and economics with selected intellectuals and journalists. to discuss the most urgent issues that the world is facing, including in matters of health and the environment . In addition to this annual meeting, the World Economic Forum annually. organizes a meeting in China and the United Arab Emirates and several regional meetings. The Foundation also produces a series of research reports and engages its members in specific sector initiatives. [2]

Klaus Schwab opens the first European Management Symposium in 1971
The meeting between Frederik de Klerk and Nelson Mandela at the 1992 Davos meeting
Headquarters in Cologny , near Geneva , Switzerland

TRANSFER TAXI WEF DAVOS 2025 | Transfer to/from Zurich Airport to Davos:


In the summer of 1971, Klaus Schwab, business professor at the University of Geneva , with the patronage of the European Commission and European industrial associations, organized the first European Management Symposium at the Davos conference center with the aim of bringing European companies closer together. to US management practices. [3]

The choice of location in the Swiss Alps was due both to the amenity of the place and to the traditional independence of the Alpine country, considered favorable conditions for the success of the initiative. [4] He then established the European Management Forum, a non-profit foundation based in Geneva which started the tradition of the Davos winter meeting. The invitations to participate, originally addressed only to managers and entrepreneurs, were extended to political leaders since the January 1974 edition, when the energy crisis led to the inclusion in the debate, in addition to strictly managerial issues, also of larger-scale economic ones. [4] In 1987 the foundation changed its name to the World Economic Forum: WEF.

In the Year:

TRANSFER TAXI WEF 2025 | to/from Zurich Airport to Davos Over the years, participation in the meeting has often provided an opportunity to address bilateral crises and negotiate solutions. Among others, we recall the “Davos declaration” of 1988 between Greece and Turkey , which contributed to overcoming the war crisis between the two countries , the first meeting between North Korean and South Korean ministers in 1989, the 1992 meeting on the South African question between de Klerk , Mandela and Buthelezi and the framework agreement on Gaza and Jericho made in 1994 between Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat . [5]

In 2020 and 2021, during the Covid 19 pandemic , the World Economic Forum (WEF) developed a proposal to overcome periods of global instability through the alliance between governments, businesses and civil society organizations, so as to develop a stakeholder that promotes a more ” resilient , equitable and sustainable ” world by exploiting the opportunities of the fourth industrial revolution . The proposal, presented under the name of the Great Reset [6] , received widespread recognition.

TRANSFER TAXI WEF DAVOS 2025 | Transfer to/from Zurich Airport to Davos:Organization

The World Economic Forum considers itself “committed to improving the condition of the world” [7] and strives to be impartial and free from political, ideological or national constraints. Until 2012 it had observer status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council .

The foundation is financed by approximately one thousand associated companies, generally multinationals with a turnover exceeding 5 billion euros (although there are differences based on the geographical area or industrial sector). Associated companies are almost always leaders in their sector or country and have a key role in guiding future developments. The membership fee paid by companies varies based on their level of involvement, and their status as strategic partners, sector partners and regional partners. [8] The highest governing body of the WEF is the foundation board. [9]

In 2006, the WEF added regional offices in New York (United States of America) and Beijing (China) to its Swiss headquarters, located in the town of Cologny .


Winter Forum in Davos

The main event organized by the World Economic Forum( WEF) is the forum held annually at the end of January in the ski town of Davos , in the canton of Grisons in Switzerland . The meeting is by invitation and is held behind closed doors, although recordings of specific events, such as the plenary session, are released. On the occasion of the meeting, the leaders of the companies associated with the foundation meet a small audience of political leaders and non-governmental organizations , representatives of the scientific community, religious leaders and journalists. Over the five days of the event, over 200 events are scheduled, on key topics of global debate, such as international conflicts, poverty and environmental problems. [2]

The Bureau of India Economic Summit 2011 in Mumbai : Recognizing Prithviraj Chavan , Chief Minister of the Indian state of Maharashtra and Ben Verwaayen , CEO of Alcatel-Lucent

Altri eventi

Since 2007, Blacklux Transfer to and from Zurich airport to Davos the Chinese cities of Dalian and Tianjin have alternately hosted the “annual meeting of new champions” (commonly referred to as Davos summer), which sees an audience of around 1,500 participants, mostly from emerging countries: representatives of rapidly developing companies, technological pioneers, future global leaders. [10] Furthermore, the World Economic Forum organizes regional meetings every year (in Latin America , the Middle East , Asia and Africa ) to encourage meetings between multinational companies, local governments and non-governmental organizations. [11]

The Forum of Young Global Leaders [12] brings together, upon notification, 800 people under the age of 40 with strong leadership skills, in the intentions of the organizers capable of representing all stakeholders .

Finally, since 2000, together with the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship [13], the WEF has promoted a meeting between social entrepreneurs, aimed at underlining the role of social enterprises in the development of society and in solving its problems. Within the WEF, initiatives have been undertaken to combat infectious diseases, to promote ICT education and to combat corruption.


The foundation also operates as a think tank and publishes numerous in-depth documents, in the form of reports and scenario analyses , on the topics of economic growth, finance, environmental sustainability, social development and health. [14]

We recall the Global Competitiveness Report (1979) on the competitiveness of countries, the Global Information Technology Report (2001) on the availability of information technologies, the Global Gender Gap Report on gender equality, the Global Risks Report (2006) on the main global risks , the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report (2007) on the competitiveness of transport and tourism, the Financial Development Report (2008) for the evaluation and improvement of financial systems, and the Global Enabling Trade Report (2008) for the promotion of international trade . [15] Similar reports are produced by the Risk Response Network , specifically on the topic of global risks, potentially capable of causing significant damage to the economy and people. [16] In 2022, in view of COP27 , the Global Risk Report 2022 was presented . [17]

Global Shapers Community

Born in 2011 from an initiative of the World Economic Forum (WEF) the Global Shapers Community is a network of young people, aged between 18 and 33, motivated to create a positive impact in their city. The young “shapers” selected by the World Economic Forum aim to guide the new generations in choosing their future [18] .

Organized in hubs, the Community is present in over 400 cities around the world, of which 11 are Italian ( Bari , Florence , Genoa , Milan , Naples [19] , Palermo , Reggio Emilia , Rome , Turin , Trento , Venice ) [20 ] .


The World Economic Forum is often criticized for creating a wealthy global elite with no ties to broader societies, opaque decision-making processes, poor attention to gender issues and a lack of financial transparency .

Since the end of the nineties it has been harshly contested, together with the G7 . the World Bank , the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization , by the anti-global movement. According to which capitalism and globalization were at the basis of the increase poverty and environmental destruction. The American linguist Noam Chomsky , a leading exponent of the anti-global left . He called the use of the term “globalization” in reference to trade policies propagandistic. The proposals of the World Economic Forum and, on the contrary. The use of the expression “no global” for those who support a different mode of international integration.

Another element of criticism is linked to the preponderant role played by the WEF’s strategic partners. Some of them, who have been convicted of human rights violations. They have in defining the themes discussed in the meetings.

Where WEF Davos will be held

A third highly criticized aspect is the progressive distancing of the themes. The speakers of the Davos meeting from the economic context. For this reason, and in contrast with the choice. As people choose to do some of the work behind closed doors, parallel initiatives have sprung up. Like the Davos Open Forum organized in the same venue by the Federation of Swiss Evangelical Churches. [22] 

Another counter-event organized since 2000 is the assignment of the Public Eye Awards to companies that stand out for the most irresponsible practices. [23]

On several occasions, in conjunction with the Davos meeting and other WEF initiatives, crowded protest demonstrations were organized by anti-global activists. The Swiss media have often stigmatized the cost of the imposing security measures envisaged to deal with such demonstrations. Falling partly on the organizers of the meeting, partly on the authorities. In response to criticism from Swiss civil society, the Swiss federal government decided in February 2021 to reduce its annual contributions to the WEF. [24]

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, delivers a special address on January 16.Image: World Economic Forum World Economic Forum

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Alberto Lugo
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We had an excellent experience using BlackLux for our transportation from Milan Airport to our hotel in Lake Como. The service was impeccable from start to finish. Our driver was not only professional but also very understanding, providing helpful information along the way and engaging in pleasant small talk that made our journey more enjoyable. I highly recommend BlackLux for anyone looking for reliable and courteous transportation services.
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Everything was very smooth- from booking, to getting our confirmation/meeting instructions, to the ride to our hotel in Como. The car was comfortable and our driver was very professional. They were very responsive and made an extra effort to set up a last minute transfer for our travel companions who missed their flight.
Timothy Ketcher
Timothy KetcherTRUSTPILOT
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We had a very professional experience with Lino. A true gentleman, he helped myself and my pregnant wife with our luggage, offered us coffee and made sure our drive was stress free! The car itself was very clean, comfortable and luxurious. Gratzie gratzie gratzie!
Andrew Henderson
Andrew HendersonTRUSTPILOT
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Julia and Lino are amazing. They were on time, they have a beautiful car and were incredibly professional. They treated my wife and I like family.
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Highly recommend! Really great people and easy pickup and dropoff.
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Just a short review of the great experience, me, my wife and 2 kids were traveling from lech am arlberg to Milano! X7 perfect luxury car , driver with a great experience, we faced a bad weather with a snow storm , but anyhow we were at the destination on time, with 2 stops for small snack and a cup of coffee :) Glad that we have used this transfer company and will surely use them in the future, I don’t usually say such things, but highly recommend. Respectfully Evghenii T.
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I have used Blacklux numerous times times on trips to Milan, Courchevel, Geneva and Turin. Every time the service is above excellent, on time, and every aspect of the journey is smooth and comfortable. Simply put AWESOME!
Sandra Lee
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What an amazing and professional company. Giulia contacted us the day before our arrival to give us every detail needed. Lino was our driver. He met us soon as we came out of customs. Warm and friendly greeting, brought by our bags to the car. Car was super clean. Lino was by far the best driver we ever had! Laughing and conversing the whole car ride. Honestly, friendly/professional driver can make or break your experience. We were so happy, we will be booking with them again when we are leaving Milano to MXP. Thank you for the great experience.
Charlotte Mineo
Charlotte MineoTRUSTPILOT
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To say this company and driver went above and beyond is an understatement! They saved our trip. We had several flight delays and the company communicated and worked with us to make sure we had a driver and car waiting for us when we arrived in Milan. We were even able to arrange for the driver to go back to the airport and retrieve our luggage that was lost during our original flights. I highly recommend this company and will definitely be using them again when we come back to Italy!
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The service it self was great. Driver was very helpful, polite, and drove very safely to my destination. I'm fully satisfied with the transfer service. The driver contacted me the day before to explain all the details. I also booked the return trip and I must say that everything was perfect. The driver arrived well in advance telling me that if I wanted to anticipate there were no problems. I will definitely contact them for my next trips!
 Gherguta Beatrice
Gherguta BeatriceTRUSTPILOT
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The car was at my hotel even before time. They have crosschecked my booking one day prior and sent me all the da rails of the car and driver. The drive from Milan to BGY airport was super safe and the car very comfortable. Also there were little snacks if you wanted to try them.
May Alhajri
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I recently had the pleasure of traveling with Blacklux Car Luxury Company from Prato to Rome Airport. The journey, which spanned three hours, felt effortless and enjoyable, thanks in large part to our driver. His professionalism, generosity, and friendly demeanor made the ride a delightful experience. Throughout the trip, he ensured our comfort and safety, going above and beyond in every aspect. I wholeheartedly recommend Blacklux for anyone seeking a top-notch transportation experience. Special thanks to our driver for making the journey memorable!
Vyacheslav Anikeev
Vyacheslav AnikeevTRUSTPILOT
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The driver is a professional. I had a trip from Milan to Ischgl, I wanted to rent a car, but I looked at the weather forecast and changed my mind. I ordered a Bmw x7 via . The car was new, the driver was very pleasant (he bought coffee on the way), but most importantly, we got there on time and safe during a heavy snowfall. I will definitely use it on the way back
Michael Sinek
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Excellent service, 10/10! Staff was super kind and respectful, the driver arrived early and waited for us was prudent and drove safely. The car was perfect very spacious clean and comfortable highly recommended
Salvatore Lucanto
Salvatore LucantoTRUSTPILOT
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My flight was 1h late already in departure but I found punctual assistance and a guarantee that the driver would monitor the flight and wait. So it was and the driver was also very cordial and friendly. I highly recommend the service

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